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We were invited to the White House for the SoSTEM third annual conference. We spoke to NASA astronauts in space! We heard from and met, Dr. Jo Handelsman, Associate Director for Science, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Ellen Stofanm Cheif Scientist at NASA, Kathy Pham, United States Digital Service, and Rachel Harrison-Gordon, Presidential Innovation Fellow. 

We were featured in The Sun:

"Western High School's RoboDoves crushes the competition, stereotypes"

in November 2014.

Rear Adm. Elaine C. Wagner visited to learn about driving and took pictures with the team in September 2014.

Keimmie Booth was featured in a Wide Angle Youth Media documentary in 2013.

Here is Keimmie's speech from the TEDX Baltimore conference in 2013.

We competed at the VEX Robotics World Championship in April 2013.

Team 2528

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